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Land Port of Entry Modernization Trust Fund Act

This legislation will establish a trust fund that will be used to support the essential needs for the land ports:

(1) construct new ports of entry
(2) expand and improve existing ports of entry
(3) procure technology for inspecting and processing traffic passing through ports of entry
(4) hire U.S. Customs and Border Protection staff.

While waterway-based ports of entry have long had the benefit of a consistent source of federal resources via the authorization of a similar trust fund, our overburdened land-based ports of entry have struggled. The LPOE Modernization Trust Fund Act is needed to properly redistribute much needed resources to LPOE facilities and to ensure the United States’ long-term economic prosperity through international trade.

 The LPOE Trust Fund will expand, improve, and construct new U.S. ports of entry and support infrastructure to accommodate high volumes of commercial, vehicle, and pedestrian traffic. It will also help critical transit and trade facilities more efficiently complete the inspection and processing of commercial, vehicle, and pedestrian traffic.

Co-sponsors of LPOE Modernization Trust Fund Legislation

Contacting Your Representative

To contact your elected Representative in Congress, visit the United States House of Representatives website and enter your home zip code. After searching, the page will display information about your Congressional district, including your current Representative. Use the mail icon's below your Representative's photo to visit their contact page and send them an electronic message.

In addition to electronic communications or letters sent directly to a Representative's office, your letter can be mailed to the following generic House of Representatives address, and it will be relayed to that Representative.

The Honorable (Name)
United States House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515

For a complete list of House of Representative offices and phone numbers, visit the Directory of US Representatives here.

Contacting Your Senator

To contact your US Senator, visit the United States Senate website and choose your state from the dropdown menu. After making your selection, the page will automatically display information about the US Senators representing you. You will find both an online contact form and the office address of your senators listed.

In addition to electronic communications or letters sent directly to a Senator's office, your letter can be mailed to the following generic Senate address, and it will be relayed to that Senator.

The Honorable (Name)
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

Finally, a complete list of Senate telephone numbers is available here if you would like to speak with your Senator directly .